NPC Application Status: How to solve Application Status Pending To Approved

NPC Application Status: How to solve Application Status Pending To Approved


NPC Application Status: How to solve Application Status Pending To Approved

We look forward to answering your inquiry about "Why Application Status" Pending" and "My Application Status is Showing Pending"; however, before we proceed, have you applied for a position at the National Population Commission (NPC) and your application status is showing as "pending"? This makes your inquiry the subject of the discussion. 

If so, you're not the only one. If you've been wondering why your Application Status in the NPC portal is still showing as pending while others have been approved in the same LGA,

BZ NEWS 24/7 is here to help you figure it out. Several possibilities exist, including the following:

1. The portal has been under pressure for the past two weeks, as you are all aware. Your application may have been approved, but the portal is unable to display it due to congestion. Before you decide that you weren't selected, you should give it some time.

2. The selection of the best candidate was the primary goal of the screening. Your screening does not guarantee your acceptance into training. Therefore, if your status reads "pending," it could indicate that you were not chosen.

3. There may have been more applicants than the quota required for another reason. Not everyone was sent text messages for screening, as you can see. It was a method for cutting down on the number of applicants.

4. Names are still being checked and uploaded by some states.

How to Check the Status of Your Application 

Again: Phoenix browser i is the only browser that will let you do so. 

Step 1: Click on the link address https://2023censusadhocrecruitment.nationalpopulation.gov.ng you can copy the link address and paste it into the Phoenix Browser

Step 2: Press on Check "Application Status"

Step 3: "Enter Your Application Code" or NIN Number in the space provided

Step 4: Press on "PROCEED" and give it some minutes to load due to the network

Step 5: Checkout "Application Status: which among Pending or Approved"

Step 6: if the Application Status was "Approved" press on Submit Bank Details

Step 7: Enter your Account Number, Select Account Type & Select Bank Name.

24 Responses to "NPC Application Status: How to solve Application Status Pending To Approved"

  1. My own is showing pending please help me

  2. Pls mine is also showing pending so what can I do pls?

  3. My own is showing pending of to now pls help me

  4. Mine still showing pending 8167999236

  5. Mine is also showing pending 69431550778

  6. Mine is showing pending 40451210160

  7. My is still pending NPC-CE-81271323546

  8. Please my own is showing pending 24921707764

  9. i can help anyone who wants to get approved at a certain fee

  10. Mine is showing pending 6886415217

  11. Mine is still showing pending,what can I do

  12. My is showings me fending UpTo know

  13. Please sir help me my NPC status is still pending, my nin number 83648391509

  14. Mine is still pending

  15. Still showing pending

  16. my application is still pending, how can i do

  17. Myown is still showing pending pls help me17677253514

  18. Sir pls mine is still showing pending pls help me 33782547936 thanks

  19. Sir pls mine still showing pending 69211400872

  20. Sir pls mine still showing pending 93041537597

  21. My own is still showing pending my npc code is 7827697601 please I your help. need

  22. My is still showing pending 32373035669


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